PSOBLTA vs AELTC – 22 August 2022

PSOBLTA vs AELTC PSOBLTA team:  Ben Rogers, Jamie Whiteford, Nicholas Nugent, Kristian Hunter, Paul Martin and Jamie Muirhead AELTC team: Tariq Khalifa, David Culshaw, Hugh Jaques, Lachlan Ferguson, Scott Lloyd and James Acheson-Gray. PSOBLTA 1st pair: Ben...

AGM and Annual Dinner – 25 April 2022

On 25 April 2022, the Association held its AGM and Annual Dinner. Once again, we were very fortunate to hold the event at AELTC. Around 65 attendees joined us for the evening and many thanks to all that attended. This year our guest speaker was Scott Lloyd, the...

Annual Dinner – September 2021

On 22 September 2021, the Association held its annual dinner at AELTC. As you might recall, due to the pandemic, this was delayed from our usual date in March/April. It was great to see over 75 attendees join us for the evening. Mick Desmond This year our guest...

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