On 15 March 2018, the PSOBLTA held its AGM and Annual Dinner; once again we were fortunate enough to hold our flagship event at AELTC.  We had the second highest Annual Dinner attendance (89) and a huge thanks to all who attended and enjoyed the evening; which included current doubles world number 125, Scott Clayton.

Annual Dinner 2018











This year our guest speaker was Graeme Le Saux (former footballer) who gave us a hugely entertaining and fascinating talk about his career as a footballer including starting and returning to Chelsea FC and also being at Blackburn Rovers and winning the Premiership title. The talk was followed by a Q&A where Graeme gave honest answers about current issues in the game.

The food was excellent and thoroughly enjoyed with our thanks to the AELTC catering team delivering superb food, drink and service.

Silverware was also present in the form of the D’Abernon Cup (winner of the Old Boy’s tournament) and Peter Jackson Cup (winner of the annual match against the AELTC).  Last year saw the introduction of the Geoff Brown Award for contribution to the Association and the 2017 winner was Brad Keenes, who deservedly won the award for representing the Association in over 250 matches (and increasing!) since joining, a feat that is unlikely to be surpassed.

Next year marks the Association’s 90th anniversary and we are in the process of compiling events to mark this milestone; further details will be sent to all members in due course.


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