A huge thank you to everyone who attended the PSOBLTA AGM and Annual Dinner last week.  The numbers reached 116; a record for the Annual Dinner and shows the Association is in very good health and thriving, which is down to the Members.  We were very fortunate to host the evening at The All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club, Wimbledon.

As always, the food and wine were excellent; and we were treated to a hugely interesting and amusing talk from our speaker, Will Greenwood MBE.  Will was a member of the 2003 World Cup winning squad and is a current Sky Sports presenter and it was interesting to hear his views on the upcoming World Cup after the exciting climax to the Six Nations as well as hearing stories from his time as a professional rugby player and the tours he was involved in.  The evening lived up to its promise and it was very entertaining.

The evening also saw the presentation of the D’Abernon Cup to the Old Reptonians and the Peter Jackson Cup to the PSOBLTA (after the Association’s win against the AELTC in 2014).

The Committee has already turned its sights onto 2016, where we hope to, once again, get another record attendance!

Annual Dinner 2015

Annual Dinner 2015


D'Ab Cup with W Greenwood

D’Abernon Cup winners with Will Greenwood MBE



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