On 9 March 2017, the Association held its AGM and Annual Dinner and a huge thanks to all that attended.  It was an excellent fun and informative evening with nearly 80 in attendance.

This year our guest speaker was Jamie Baker (former British No. 2 and now BBC/Eurosport television pundit) and he was ably and entertainingly questioned by Dan Bloxham (AELTC head coach).  The Q&A certainly kept Jamie on his toes with varied questions ranging from learning to play tennis in Scotland to more current topics including the future of British Tennis.  There was even time for questions from the guests, where Jamie had to be quick to respond on some varied and challenging questions and did so with such aplomb.

Annual Dinner 2017








Once again we were extremely fortunate to hold the event at All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club, Wimbledon.  Our thanks to the management and catering team for excellent food, drink and service.

The evening saw the presentation of silverware in the form of the Courtney Salver (for the match against the Fitzwilliam LTC) presented to the Association; and the D’Abernon Cup (winner of the Old Boy’s tournament) presented to the 2016 winners, the Old Reptonians.  However, this year saw the inaugural presentation of the ‘Geoff Brown Award’ for contribution to the Association and was deservedly won by Peter Jackson, CBE; a stalwart of the Association for a number of years.

Our minds now turn to our 2018 Annual Dinner and details will be communicated to all members later this year.


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